Introducing Rocky, an adorable British male kitten with an adorable blue coat and bright orange eyes. Born on November 30, 2023, he will be ready to leave our nursery on March 5, 2024. With his championship lines and show qualities, Rocky is an exceptional addition to any family.
At Meowoff Cattery, we prioritize the well-being of our kittens, which is why we offer a comprehensive support system available seven days a week. To reserve Rocky, a deposit of $400 or $500 is required to ensure he is exclusively yours. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable and can only be transferred under certain circumstances.
Our kennel is located in Europe, but Rocky is available for booking in the USA through our website. If you are in the Wood Dale area, you can pick it up from us. For out-of-state residents, we offer delivery services from Chicago.
To ensure Rocky’s health and happiness, we feed him Royal Canin Kitten food and use either wooden trays or clumping litter for his litter box. Additionally, he will be spayed/neutered as a pet unless otherwise requested.
Rocky has a registered pedigree and we can offer a Word Cat Federation (WCF) pedigree upon request. We also provide the opportunity to purchase him with breeding rights, as well as any additional information you may require.
We care deeply about the well-being of our kittens, which is why we offer store credit if there are any health concerns verified by a licensed veterinarian at the time of purchase. However, please note that we do not provide refunds or compensation in cases such as buyer dissatisfaction or allergies.
At Meowoff Nursery we believe in responsible relocation. If for any reason you are unable to keep Rocky, we ask that he be returned to us rather than placed in a rescue situation or humane society.
Be sure to visit our Instagram page to see Rocky and his adorable furry friends playing and spreading joy. Show us some love and stay connected with our nursery!