Reserve a kitten today and expect to receive your fluffy friend in 4 weeks!
Special discount when you choose to adopt a second kitten!
Enjoy complementary carrier with each kitten.

Terms of Service


The buyer understands that there are no refunds and no returns. The kitten is in good health and free from any disease at the time of sale as far as can be determined by the seller/veterinarian.

The buyer also acknowledges that a safe and suitable home will be provided for the kitten purchased.


As soon as the kitten is ready to travel, the kitten will typically ship within 10-20 days from the date of purchase. The final decision on the date of delivery of the kitten will be made by the seller with the recommendation of a veterinarian. Delivery is carried out through third parties (freight brokers, state veterinarians, and airlines).

Sometimes there may be a delay for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to, weather conditions, logistics, mechanical failures of ground or air transport, or other unforeseen events. The seller is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any delays, including, without any restrictions, those that may cause the Buyer inconvenience or any financial loss or a reason to cancel the purchase of the kitten. The Buyer understands and agrees that for a flight delay, a delay at the airport, flight cancellation is not refundable. The seller is only responsible for providing the necessary health certificate, vaccine records for domestic flights in the USA and Canada.


Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Seller makes absolutely no warranties about the health or fitness of the Pet other than those here in:

  1. All pets are litter box trained and have already begun their training to a scratching post.
  2. The Seller guarantees the Pet is free of FeLV (feline leukemia) and FIV (feline AIDS).
  3. The Seller will have the Pet examined by a veterinarian and have all age-appropriate vaccines completed at the pick-up time.
  4. Buyer may, at its sole discretion and costs, request additional disease screening and vaccines.
  5. This Pet is not guaranteed against respiratory disease, fleas, ringworms, or any nuisance disease except for congenital disabilities after the cat/kitten arrives at a new home.
  6. Failure, by the Buyer, to have the pet examined by a veterinarian within the first five days of receiving the kitten or the presence of any evidence of abuse, neglect, or mishandling releases the Seller from any responsibility regarding the Pet.
  7. The Seller cover for 6 (six) weeks from the date of delivery, against death due to FIP if the diagnosis is confirmed by a licensed vet by necropsy. Next 6 Months: You shall be entitled to receive a 50% store credit of the base price of the kitten in the event that the kitten passes away due to FIP.
  8. In the event that the Pet dies within one year of the Delivery Date due to a hereditary or congenital defect, as determined and certified by a necropsy by a duly licensed and trained pathologist, the Seller will replace the Pet.
    1. In order to receive a replacement pet, the Buyer must present the Seller with certified written proof of the defect in the form of a complete necropsy report from a licensed pathologist within 30 days of necropsy being performed.
    2. The Seller is not obligated to replace the exact color/pattern/sex of the Pet, although reasonable attempts to do so will be made.
    3. Buyer specifically acknowledges that nothing herein shall obligate the seller to provide any refund.


  1. The Seller guarantees the conformity of the Pet with the quality specified in this contract.
  2. The Seller shall transfer the Pet to the buyer at the age of not earlier than three months, with preventive vaccinations.
  3. The Seller shall transfer the Pet to the Buyer vaccinated, de-worming. Make sure you do not give your Pet an additional vaccine within the first ten days unless otherwise instructed by your veterinarian.
  4. The Seller shall also transfer the international standard’s veterinary record/passport with the specified prophylactic vaccinations.
  5. The Seller cannot guarantee performance, contest wins, or that the Pet will earn title awards.


  1. The Buyer shall provide the pet with proper care and maintenance, provide full nutrition, timely veterinary care, and vaccination.
  2. Buyer shall keep copies of all medical exam reports or medical records and in the event that Buyer claims any Pet replacement pursuant to Section 4(g) above, Buyer shall make copies of the same available to Seller.
  3. The Buyer hereby acknowledges and understands that the stress-induced in an animal when going to a new home may cause illness symptoms, including minor upper respiratory infection, to appear in otherwise healthy animals.
  4. Buyer shall take Pet for a veterinary exam with a licensed veterinarian within 5-days of the Delivery Date or shall void all guarantees as listed in Section 5 above, Seller, at its sole discretion, may allow an extension to said time period, in writing, upon written request by Buyer.
  5. Failure to have the pet examined by a veterinarian within the first five days of receiving the kitten or any evidence of abuse, neglect, or mishandling releases the Seller from any responsibility regarding the Pet.
  6. Buyer will not inoculate for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Reasons that we do not allow leukemia and feline infectious peritonitis vaccines are:
    1. The vaccine does not protect cats well,
    2. Repeated vaccines do not improve their effectiveness,
    3. The vaccine causes incurable cancers (fibrosarcoma) in roughly 1 in every 2000 – 5000 cats,
    4. The vaccine can cause vaccinosis (a homeopathic term that means the animal develops a relatively permanent degradation of their vital health),
    5. All vaccines can degrade health, so any vaccine is a risk versus benefit assessment,
    6. The use of the vaccine gives the caretaker a false sense of security when the caretaker should put his/her/its best effort forward to observe and time take care of the pet,
    7. instead, be aware of the more important methods they can employ to protect their cats, such as keeping the kitten indoors for the first year of her/his life and not allowing the cat(s) to socialize with other felines that may be infected or carriers of the disease.
    h. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that removing a pet’s nails can cause permanent damage to joints, ligaments, and tendons, as such declawing the Pet shall be a breach of this Agreement, rendering all guarantees and obligations on Seller’s part void.
    1. The Buyer shall not transfer the pet to a shelter for pets, research center, etc., without the written consent of the Seller.
    2. If Seller consents to transfer of the Pet, the Buyer must furnish proof that the Pet has been spayed or neutered without exception.


  1. If the Pet was purchased without breeding rights, Buyer shall have the Pet spayed or neutered upon the Pet achieving 8 months in age: i. Within fourteen (14) days of the spaying/neutering, Buyer shall furnish to Seller, in a form sufficient to Seller, certified medical reports showing proof of permanent spaying or neutering;
    1. At Seller’s sole discretion, Seller may allow extension of the time for spaying/neutering of the Pet, provided that Buyer provides Seller with a certified report from a licensed veterinarian that due to the health, development, or temperament of the Pet, the Pet may not be spayed/neutered within that time period;
    2. In that case, Breeder must be provided with a statement from your veterinarian that this Cat is not yet in physical or emotional condition for surgery;
    3. Based upon the veterinarian’s evaluation of this Cat, the Buyer will contact the veterinarian and establish the earliest date that the procedure can be performed;
    4. The Buyer will notify the Breeder of this amendment in writing, at which time all other conditions of this Agreement will apply and be enforced;
    5. It is the responsibility of the Buyer, not the veterinarian, to ensure that the Breeder has received verification that the surgery has been performed;
    6. Failure to comply with any term of Section 6(f)(i) shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and shall void any and all Seller guarantees or obligations. ii.
Liquidated Damages:
    1. Buyer hereby acknowledges and agrees that breeding rights of the Pet, unless bargained for herein, are the sole property of the Breeder and that but for the terms of this Agreement, Buyer has no independent interest or claim to said breeding rights;
    2. If Buyer does not opt and pay for breeding rights under the terms of this Agreement, failure by Buyer to have the Pet spayed or neutered shall constitute a material breach of this agreement;
    3. The Parties hereby specifically acknowledge and agree that calculation of damages for Buyer’s breach of the Agreement relating to failure to spay/neuter the Pet are hard to calculate, thus, Buyer hereby agrees that in the event of Buyer’s breach of the breeding rights agreement, Seller’s damages shall be as follows: A. In the event that Buyer fails to spay/neuter the Pet and the Pet has not produced offspring, Seller may at its sole discretion, (i) sue for enforcement of the terms of this Agreement to have the pet spayed or neutered; or (ii) require Buyer to purchase breeding rights on demand; B. In the event that Buyer fails to spay/neuter the Pet and the Pet has produced offspring, Seller may at its sole discretion, (i) Take possession of all of the Pet’s offspring and sue for enforcement of the terms of this Agreement to have the pet spayed or neutered; or (ii) Take possession of all of the Pet’s offspring and require Buyer to purchase breeding rights on demand, or (iii) Charge Buyer and an amount equal to the full price of the Pet under the terms of this Agreement per live offspring produced.
  1. If a kitten/cat is sold with breeding rights, the Buyer agrees to the following conditions:
    1. To only breed the Pet in an ethical matter, taking into account at all times the health and safety of the Pet;
    2. Buyer shall not transfer the Pet to another person or breeder and/or shall not give/sell breeding rights of said kitten/cat’s offspring until 3-rd generation, without the Seller’s written consent.
  2. Kitten/ cat shall not be co-owned, loaned, or re-sold for breeding purposes.


  1. In case Pet is found unhealthy at the moment of its acquisition confirmed by the Licensed Veterinary Clinic, the seller undertakes to accept the Pet’s return and shall issue a store credit of the amount been paid.
  2. In case of dissatisfaction of the buyer with the purchased Pet and cases of theft, problems with the toilet, appearance of allergy in the family, etc., the buyer has no right to demand from the seller a refund or any other compensation of damages.
  3. Seller reserves the right to the first refusal in the event that the Buyer is unable to house, care for, and maintain the Pet.
  4. The Pet should never be put into a rescue situation or humane society but should be returned to the seller to be re-homed if necessary without any refund.


  • We will not guarantee the pet’s personality, any confirmation, the size and weight, the color, the markings, or the breeding ability of the kitten.
  • Heart murmurs in grades 1 or 2 pose no threat to your pet and are not covered under this guarantee. These grades of murmurs are usually transient as your pet is still a baby, and its entire organism is still developing. We do cover hip dysplasia for one year.
  • If you cannot show proof of your pet veterinary care and or timely vaccinations, this will void the guarantee.
  • This guarantee will not cover spaying or neutering or undescended tests. Spaying or neutering can be made at the buyer’s request.

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